Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clutter costing you time

Clutter in business can be found in different ways: Unwanted emails, faxes, telephone solicitation that does not pertain to your industry. Not having a system for filing and retrieving papers.

Time costs you money. Where do you want to spend your time? Looking for a file that is urgent that may have only been important a month ago, but you didn't have a retrieval system, so it is lost, when you need it the most?

Another clutter and time waster is email that does not pertain to your business. Somehow they got your email address and now you have to sift through looking to see if you got anything important. Like and order, or a request for quote.

The unwanted vacation and healthcare faxes that cost you the phone call, the paper and the ink. Hopefully, you have a bin next to the fax for junk faces, so you can use the opposite side of the paper for a fax cover. When you are in a hurry and don't have time to print one out, or can't find the pre-printed ones that should be by the fax. You may have a folder that says fax cover sheets, but when you reach in, it is empty.

Save time, save money, create a way to handle clutter before it becomes a problem. If you have a clutter issue and want help, write a comment, and I will give you some suggestions.

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